The name and purpose

While looking for alternatives to name this blog, I (Roberto) often questioned my wife about what she thought I should call it. One day, while I pounded domains into registration sites to clear several possibilities, she asked “What’s the matter? You look preoccupied;” “Well, I’m struggling with the blog name; trying to think outside the box, I guess.” “The box is there for a reason.” That was all it took.
This blog will primarily, but not exclusively, contain ideas on how people should think about the field of financial markets and investing in the broadest sense. Most, but again not all, posts will be of about 500 words in length and will strive to provide information useful to reasonable people who are trying to achieve realistic results with their savings. (The stress in the last sentence is on the words reasonable and realistic.) We hope to succeed at least in part. Occasionally we will invite contributions from other writers as well.
A brief admin note: for security and anti-spam, we are obliged to review and authorize every comment before publication. This will require no additional work on your part. This “supervision” will not extend to correcting the meaning of your criticism or objections: avoid reprehensible words, incorrect spelling or questionable images and you should be fine.


Roberto Plaja – Italian by birth and American by training, Roberto has been investing money, managing portfolios and assisting clients on investment matters since 1982. Over the years, he’s had one constant: interest, curiosity and passion for true investing.

Riccardo Stucchi – Riccardo è un ingegnere civile e dal 2009, anno della sua laurea al Politecnico di Milano, lavora in Svizzera nel settore delle infrastrutture presso una società di consulenza e progettazione. Per deformazione professionale tende ad osservare la realtà con occhio matematico, a basarsi sui dati e a cercare l’essenziale eliminando il superfluo.


Michael Tanney – With many years of investment experience, Michael has arrived at the harsh realization that humans are not wired for disciplined investing, causing more harm than good by their reactions. Often, those who appear the most knowledgeable, are the worst investors. This observation applies to individuals and professionals.

Roberto Toninello – Tra trentatré anni (siamo nel 2015) ne compie cento. Non sa ancora cosa farà da grande. Nella sua vita si è sposato due volte. Ha cambiato casa sei volte e ha fatto sette mestieri. Tutti diversi. Macchine automatiche, formazione professionale, servizi informatici, camion dell’immondizia, pasticceria. Gli piace la fisica delle particelle, la musica, la pittura e il non far niente.

June 2020