‘Trump thought I was a secretary’: Fiona Hill on the president, Putin and populism


I am neither a historian nor a political analyst, thus this brief comment is not about history or politics. It’s about investing and the meaning of ‘entrusting’ your money to anyone. For the record, I also have nothing against Argentina, Russia or anyone else in this world; I pick issues that I find useful in ...


Is inflation dead? Reading through various sources – academic or otherwise – you would be forgiven if you thought so. After all there is even a new monetary theory that appears to be heavily relying on that fact for it to make sense. But, as a university professor once reminded me, in economics nothing ever ...


We live in a world of misinformation. Every time I try to forget that, I am faced with some new tweet or declaration by Trump whose only leadership quality appears to be the domination of this art form. The ease with which false or misleading news and conspiracy theories are divulged is commonly attributed to ...

Know Where You Stand

It’s very important to know where you stand, particularly in terms of your investments. Most people don’t consider the issue nearly as seriously as they should and because of that they end up in real trouble. Take the case of investment returns. I am often asked to comment on a portfolio’s performance, usually after the ...

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