Recently in Our Current Reads
A quick review of what we posted in the Our Current Reads column.
A quick review of what we posted in the Our Current Reads column.
A quick view of what we posted in the Our Current Reads column.
Della serie, ti scatto una foto e ti canto una canzone. Cominciamo con la foto. Quarantanove poveracci sono stati raccolti in mare da due navi ONG. Nessuno Stato europeo autorizza lo sbarco. Le due navi e i quarantanove poveracci restano in mezzo al mare per tre settimane. Contemporaneamente 27 paesi dell’unione Europea si riuniscono per ...
Instagram by Eugenio Plaja.
di Roberto Toninello
Are investing well and incorporating values around sustainability mutually exclusive?
Se i media facessero capir meglio certe cose e smettessero di far sognare ci farebbe bene alla salute.
How do active investment managers determine what to charge for their services and why.
Not one but two tigers, by the toe.
— Visiting Le Jardin Exotique de Monaco — Narrow paths and spiny edges don’t make for an easy walk, especially when you are on a steep rocky hill while constantly being distracted by breath-taking views of a spectacular harbor. This is not a good place to fall. A few readers know I have a small collection ...